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Want to become a volunteer?

From excavation to finds processing, library acquisition to social media (and everything in between) we strive to ensure that our volunteers are able to get involved with all aspects of our work. 

At Heneb we offer a variety of volunteer roles which are regularly reviewed and developed to keep volunteering with us fun, impactful and inclusive.

Registering to be a volunteer couldn’t be easier, simply subscribe to our mailing list by clicking here.


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Current Opportunities

Work Experience

From High School to Post-Grad we can curate a fixed-term placement to give you the experience you need to support you in pursuing your dream career.

Desk Based Work

Whether it be assisting with the Historic Environment Record (HER), helping to design engaging social media content or undertaking historic map regression your help can be a real asset to Heneb.


If you enjoy the outdoors and you’re handy with a trowel then why not join us for one of our community digs. They take place throughout the year across the country and are a fantastic way to meet new people, hone your archaeological skills and get some fresh air (with the added bonus of tea and biscuits!).

Finds Processing

During and after our excavations there is a lot of material that needs to be cleaned, processed and recorded. This is a great way to be a part of the action without the physical demands of trench excavation.

Good to know

Please be aware that opportunities for volunteering with Heneb can be very competitive and we may not always be able to facilitate volunteer placements. Once subscribed to our volunteer mailing list you will be contacted when opportunities become available, and places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. 

Please note – for anyone under 16 an adult will need to accompany you. Whilst we make every effort to accommodate people under the age of 16, this may not always be possible due to Health and Safety reasons and is dependent on the nature of the excavation. Decisions will be made at the discretion of the lead archaeologist. 

Volunteers will be asked to read and sign a Code of Conduct on arrival at placement. A copy of this can be requested from [email protected]. Any person found to be in breach of the Code at any time may be asked to leave by a member of staff, and in serious cases may also result in permanent removal from the Heneb volunteering scheme.