What does Heneb mean?
Heneb is the Welsh word for monument and a shorter version of the word ‘Henebion,’ which means antiques. Heneb is the new national body for archaeology in Wales. It was formed on April 1st, 2024, following the merger of the four regional archaeological trusts, which had been in operation since 1975.
What services does Heneb offer?
We provide a range of services, including planning advice, archaeological excavations and surveys, research and publications, community engagement, consultation on heritage management and lots more.
What is the difference between Planning Services and Commercial Field Services at Heneb?
At Heneb, the Archaeological Planning Service and Commercial Field Services operate as independent teams to uphold transparency, impartiality, and professionalism in all aspects of our work:
- Archaeological Planning Service: This team provides advice and guidance to local authorities, developers, and landowners on managing the impact of developments on the historic environment. Funded by Cadw and local authorities, their remit includes assessing and monitoring commercial archaeological work to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. The service operates in accordance with the Curators’ Code of Conduct and the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) Standards and Guidance for Historic Environment Advisors, which are designed to avoid conflicts of interest.
- Commercial Field Services: This team delivers a wide range of professional archaeological services, such as excavations, surveys, and evaluations, usually commissioned by developers or other clients. Their work is conducted under contract and adheres to industry standards and regulations.
This separation ensures that the Archaeological Planning Service remains independent, offering objective advice without any conflict of interest, while Commercial Field Services focuses on delivering quality archaeological work. Both teams collaborate to protect Wales’ archaeological heritage, but they maintain distinct roles within the organisation.
How can I get involved with Heneb?
We offer various opportunities for involvement, such as volunteering, participating in excavations and field surveys, and attending educational programmes. Visit our Get Involved page for more information.
How can I support Heneb’s work?
You can support us through donations, volunteering, or participating in our events. Your contributions help us preserve and promote Wales’s archaeological heritage. You can also keep up to date with our work by subscribing to our mailing list and following us on our social media channels.
I would like to volunteer but I am unable to do heavy physical work. Is there anything else I can help with?
Of course. We offer several ways to volunteer on excavations including finds washing and sieving and helping to engage visitors to the site. We also have office-based volunteering like assisting our Historic Environment Record and citizen science projects. Feel free to get in touch to discuss your needs.
I am a parent of a home-schooled child. Do you have any resources I could use?
Yes! You can find our educational resources here, and some fun activities to do here.
How can I become an archaeologist?
A good place to start is to undertake some volunteering, you can see our available opportunities here. You can also visit the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) for advice on a career in archaeology Careers Kit | Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.
I think I have found a new archaeological site, what do I do now?
I want to learn more about an old building in my village. How do I find out more?
A good place to start is getting in touch with our Historic Environment Record. We will be able to share any information we hold, and further signpost you to get more information.
I’ve found an interesting artefact. What do I do?
You can get in touch with our Portable Antiquities Scheme Finds Officers, they will be able to offer further advice. Their details can be found here.
I found a bone on the beach. What do I do?
If you think you may have found human remains, please read our advice on finding remains here.
I would like to conserve and restore a monument. Who do I contact for advice?
I have a condition on a planning application, who can I talk to about this?
I need an archaeologist to undertake some archaeological work. What services do you provide?
Our field services provide a range of archaeological services that can help you including watching briefs, building recording and desk-based assessments. You can see all the services they provide here.
How do I report vandalism to an archaeological site?
You can report the crime using one of the following options. Please quote “Op Heritage Cymru” when reporting
- Report via Police website.
- Report by dialling 101 for non-emergencies.
- Report by dialling 999 in an emergency situation. If you are aware of a crime currently taking place, please telephone the police immediately.
- To pass on information about criminal activity and remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or by visiting www.crimestoppers-uk.org
For more information on Heritage Crime click here.
My community is interested in starting an archaeological project. Can Heneb help us?
Absolutely! Heneb can assist you in developing ideas and designing an archaeological project tailored to your community’s interests. We can provide guidance throughout the project, and ensure your project is both meaningful and successful. Get in touch with our outreach team to find out how we can help you.
Do you help with tracing family members?
No, unfortunately we can’t help with that, but your local council, library or church may have records that you can access.
Who do I contact for invoicing/admin queries?
Any invoices or admin queries can be sent to [email protected].
Can I pay by card, over the phone or online?
No, unfortunately, we cannot take card payments. Please use BACS or Cheque. Get in touch with our Admin department for any further help at [email protected] or 01558 823121.