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An Archaeological Evaluation is a preliminary investigation that helps determine the presence, nature, and extent of archaeological remains on a site, often conducted before development begins. The evaluation aims to uncover and assess any archaeological features, structures, or finds within the targeted area, guiding decisions on preservation and further planning requirements.

Typically, this involves the excavation of one or more evaluation trenches, where our team investigates the site for any significant remains. If archaeological features are identified, the evaluation further defines their character, extent, quality, and preservation to assess their heritage value accurately. This process enables us to recommend any additional work needed to manage the site’s archaeological potential effectively.

Heneb follows the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists’ standards, ensuring that all evaluations are conducted professionally, ethically, and with respect for heritage. At the end of each project, we produce a comprehensive report and archive, providing clients with detailed documentation that supports their planning process and minimises unexpected delays.

An Archaeological Evaluation is a preliminary investigation that helps determine the presence, nature, and extent of archaeological remains on a site, often conducted before development begins.

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