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Caring for Archaeology and Heritage Across Wales

Heneb’s Heritage Management team protects Wales’ historic environment through expert advice, innovative research, and collaboration. From individual finds to nationally significant landscapes, we work to ensure stories of the past remain accessible today and for future generations.


Our Heritage Management team are the first point of contact for individuals and organisations looking for advice and information on any aspect of the historic environment of Wales.

We can advise on individual finds, sites or landscapes from local to international significance, and ranging in date from prehistory to present day.

Our team undertake work to:

  • Support

    Support proactive management and protection of finite, irreplaceable and vulnerable archaeological sites and information.
  • Inform

    Provide archaeological information.
  • Influence Policy

    Input to government consultations on proposed legislation and procedures, and to monitor the effectiveness of government legislation, advice, circulars and best professional practices
  • Engage

    Support management/liaison services, countryside initiatives, and activities concerning the marine environment.

Heritage Management

We provide Strategic advice toWelsh Governmentdepartments on policy, plans, guidance, assessments and appraisals that affect the historic environment, and provide casework advice to farmers and landowners, local authorities,Natural Resources Walesandthe Welsh Government 

We provide information and advice on the many aspects of the historic environment:

  • The Public

    To members of the public and community groups.
  • Organisations

    to local and national government and other organisations, to ensure that the historic environment is always considered.
  • Groups

    To liaison and advisory group meetings of organisations to represent Historic Environment interests. 

We also ensure that information is fed back into the Historic Environment Record (HER) from individuals and other organisations. 

We are happy to provide advice on any archaeological questions or queries. 

Heneb have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Natural Resources Wales setting out joint working arrangements for the historic and natural environments. 

Search the HER records

Search the HER records online by visiting  

Explore Historic Landscapes

Explore the Historic Landscape Characterisation areas

Report Heritage Crime

How to report a heritage crime?

Our Work

Beacon Ring

In 2008 Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust acquired the magnificent Beacon Ring hillfort…


The parish churches of Wales were founded in some cases over a thousand years ago.


One of the most dynamic areas of the historic environment is where the land meets the sea.

Caring For Monuments

Not sure what you’ve found?
For the identification of a monument…

Heritage Crime

Identified a Heritage Crime? What to do next.

Portable Antiquities

The Portable Antiquities Scheme is a voluntary reporting scheme run by the British Museum and…


Archaeological remains that lie in the countryside are often affected by…

Enquiries and Contact information

Submit a heritage management enquiry

Request for Information from the Welsh Historic Environment Record: Submit a Heritage Management Enquiry

General Enquiries

For general queries or to arrange an appointment to visit one of our regional offices email us at [email protected]