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Not sure what you’ve found? 

For the identification of a monument, we will usually ask you to send in photographs – sometimes this is all that is necessary for us to make an identification, though with more unusual or complicated sites we will need to make a site visit. You never know, you could have something special!  

In regards to conservation, or if you are thinking of restoring a monument, we can provide advice and guidance on an effective management framework, as well as information on legal and statutory duties.  

For more information on archaeology within the planning process visit our Archaeological Planning pages.   


  • Woodland Creation and Archaeology Guidance Notes

Planning Services

We provide specialist impartial archaeological advice to the local planning authorities of Wales, as well as to national agencies, utilities companies, developers, consultants and others engaged in development in the public and private sectors.

Historic Landscapes

The Historic Landscapes Register provides a first step, a national overview of the historic content of the Welsh landscape. The next step, so essential to the process of informing the way in which aspects of the historic landscape may be…