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Portable Antiquities Scheme

The Portable Antiquities Scheme is a voluntary reporting scheme run by the British Museum and Amgueddfa Cymru – Museum Wales which aims to encourage the recording of archaeological objects found by members of the public in England and Wales.

Objects recorded for the scheme are entered onto the Portable Antiquities database, a publicly accessible website.

Reporting Finds

Objects can be reported to your local finds reporting centre for the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

Currently the Gwynedd and Dyfed regions of Heneb act as reporting centres for the scheme and can be contacted via email.

[email protected] (Gwynedd)

[email protected] (Dyfed)

If you wish to record an object with the Portable Antiquities Scheme, please view our guidance here.

A full list of reporting centres for the PAS scheme across England and Wales can be accessed here

Information on the Treasure Act, and what you should do if you think you have found Treasure, can be accessed on The Treasure Act

Report a find today

Access the Portable Antiquities Scheme Database